The VUR Resolution Rate Calculator is a tool that can be used to predict a child's chance of resolving reflux at a given year after diagnosis.
Calculate your resolution rate...
Child category
Clinical presentation
Age at presentation
Ureter anatomy
Time to resolution (years)
Grade of VUR
The VUR Resolution Rate Calculator is a predictive model based on analysis of past data. Like all models based on aggregate data, it is not intended to predict definitively the chances in specific cases, which often present unique features, and you should not rely on it for that purpose. It is offered as generally suggestive and is not a substitute, nor is it intended to be a substitute, for personal health care. It is not the provision of health care, and your use of it does not create a physician/patient relationship, or hospital/patient relationship, among you, Boston Children's Hospital or any Boston Children's Hospital physicians, including the creators of the VUR Resolution Rate Calculator. You should always consult a qualified clinician concerning a specific patient's care and prognosis, and your use of the VUR Resolution Rate Calculator is conditioned on your understanding and agreeing to that requirement. Boston Children's Hospital MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING ITS FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR RELIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, AND TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.